Pavilion Rental


Robin Hood’s pavilion is a great place to host an event, and it’s available for members to rent on a first-come, first-served basis. The Robin Hood Pavilion Rental Form must be submitted to the pool manager, and for parties of more than 20, the request should be made 14 days in advance so additional lifeguards can be scheduled.

The rental cost is $100 for the full pavilion, which covers a four‐hour period and 10 non-member guests.  Additional non-member guests are charged $5 per person. Robin Hood members do not have to pay a guest fee.

The rental cost for renting the entire pool before or after hours is $150. per hour. There are no additional guest fees needed.

Check pavilion availability and request use of the pavilion through the MemberSplash portal.

Note that no alcohol or glass containers are permitted on pool grounds. In addition, cleanup is the responsibility of the party host. Parties of 50 or more must be approved by the board in advance.

If a member would like to host a party with a beginning or end time during non pool hours, the board must give its approval.